consumer behaviour project topics

150 Consumer Behaviour Project Topics [Updated 2024]

Have you ever thought about why you pick one brand instead of another when you go shopping? Or why certain advertisements appeal to you more than others? Welcome to the most exciting world of consumer behaviour project topics! 

Consumer behaviour is all about understanding how and why people make the choices they do when it comes to buying goods and services. And what better way to explore this intriguing subject than through exciting project topics?

In this blog, we’ll delve into some interesting consumer behaviour project ideas that will not only expand your knowledge but also sharpen your analytical skills. So, grab your notebooks and let’s dive in!

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What Is Consumer Behaviour?

Consumer behaviour is all about understanding how people, groups, or companies pick, get, use, and get rid of stuff, like products, services, experiences, or ideas, to make themselves happy and fulfilled. It’s influenced by various factors such as cultural, social, personal, and psychological factors.

What Are The 4 Types Of Consumer Behaviour?

Consumer Behaviour can be broadly categorized into four main types:

  1. Complex Buying Behaviour: This occurs when consumers are highly involved in the purchase process and extensively research products before making a decision. This is common for expensive or high-risk items.
  1. Dissonance-Reducing Buying Behaviour: In this type, consumers are involved in a significant purchase but have less time or inclination to research extensively. They may experience post-purchase doubts or “buyer’s remorse” and seek reassurance that they made the right choice.
  1. Habitual Buying Behaviour: This Behaviour involves routine purchases of low-cost items where consumers have little involvement in the decision-making process. They may repeatedly purchase the same brand out of habit or convenience.
  1. Variety-Seeking Buying Behaviour: Consumers exhibiting this Behaviour are interested in trying new products or experiences. They may switch brands frequently to avoid boredom or seek novelty in their purchases.

150 Consumer Behaviour Project Topics: Category Wise

Social Media Influence

  1. Impact of influencer marketing on consumer purchasing decisions
  2. Comparing the effectiveness of different social media platforms in influencing buying Behaviour
  3. Analyzing the role of user-generated content in shaping consumer perceptions

Advertising Psychology

  1. The effectiveness of emotional versus rational appeals in advertisements
  2. Investigating the influence of color psychology in advertising on consumer Behaviour
  3. Exploring the use of nostalgia in advertising and its impact on brand perception

Cultural Influences

  1. Examining cultural differences in consumer Behaviour across regions or countries
  2. Analyzing the influence of cultural symbols and traditions on product preferences
  3. Investigating the role of subcultures in shaping consumer identities and preferences

Online Shopping Trends

  1. Understanding the motivations and concerns of consumers when shopping online
  2. Exploring the impact of e-commerce platforms on traditional retail stores
  3. Investigating the role of augmented reality and virtual reality in enhancing the online shopping experience

Brand Loyalty and Trust

  1. Analyzing factors that contribute to brand loyalty among consumers
  2. Investigating the impact of brand trust on purchase intentions and brand loyalty
  3. Exploring strategies for building and maintaining brand loyalty in a competitive market

Sustainable Consumption

  1. Examining consumer attitudes towards eco-friendly and sustainable products
  2. Investigating the role of corporate social responsibility in influencing consumer Behaviour
  3. Analyzing the impact of green marketing strategies on consumer perceptions and purchase Behaviour

Consumer Decision-Making Process

  1. Understanding the stages of the consumer decision-making process
  2. Investigating the factors that influence consumers’ information search and evaluation
  3. Analyzing the role of emotions and intuition in consumer decision-making

Gender and Consumer Behaviour

  1. Exploring gender differences in shopping preferences and decision-making styles
  2. Investigating the impact of gender stereotypes in advertising on consumer Behaviour
  3. Analyzing the role of gender identity in shaping consumer preferences for products and services

Impulse Buying Behaviour

  1. Understanding the factors that contribute to impulse buying Behaviour
  2. Investigating the role of in-store displays and promotions in triggering impulse purchases
  3. Analyzing the impact of online shopping on impulse buying Behaviour

Luxury Consumption

  1. Examining the motivations and perceptions of consumers towards luxury brands
  2. Investigating the influence of social status and self-image on luxury consumption
  3. Analyzing the impact of counterfeit products on the luxury market and consumer Behaviour

Cross-Cultural Consumer Behaviour

  1. Comparing consumer Behaviour patterns across different cultures and societies
  2. Investigating the influence of globalization on consumer preferences and Behaviours
  3. Analyzing cultural differences in perceptions of luxury and status symbols

Technology Adoption and Consumer Behaviour

  1. Understanding the factors that influence consumers’ adoption of new technologies
  2. Investigating the impact of social influence and peer recommendations on technology adoption
  3. Analyzing the role of perceived usefulness and ease of use in shaping consumer attitudes towards technology

Health and Wellness Consumption

  1. Examining consumer attitudes towards health-conscious products and services
  2. Investigating the impact of health claims and labeling on consumer perceptions and purchase Behaviour
  3. Analyzing the role of social norms and peer influence in shaping health-related consumption choices

Family and Household Consumption

  1. Exploring the role of family dynamics and household structure in consumer decision-making
  2. Investigating the influence of children on family purchasing decisions
  3. Analyzing the impact of family rituals and traditions on consumption patterns

Retail Environment and Consumer Behaviour

  1. Understanding the impact of store atmospherics and layout on consumer Behaviour
  2. Investigating the role of music, lighting, and scent in shaping the retail experience
  3. Analyzing the effectiveness of in-store promotions and displays in influencing purchase decisions

Celebrity Endorsements and Consumer Behaviour

  1. Examining the impact of celebrity endorsements on consumer attitudes and purchase intentions
  2. Investigating the role of perceived credibility and trustworthiness of celebrities in advertising
  3. Analyzing the effectiveness of different types of celebrity endorsements (e.g., testimonials, sponsorships) in influencing consumer Behaviour

Pricing Strategies and Consumer Behaviour

  1. Understanding the psychological factors that influence consumers’ perceptions of price
  2. Investigating the impact of pricing strategies (e.g., discounting, bundling) on consumer purchase decisions
  3. Analyzing consumer responses to price changes and dynamic pricing in online retail

Product Packaging and Consumer Behaviour

  1. Examining the role of packaging design and aesthetics in influencing consumer perceptions and purchase decisions
  2. Investigating the impact of eco-friendly packaging on consumer attitudes towards brands
  3. Analyzing consumer responses to innovative packaging formats (e.g., resealable pouches, single-serve containers)

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and Consumer Behaviour

  1. Understanding the impact of personalized marketing and customer loyalty programs on consumer retention
  2. Investigating the role of customer feedback and satisfaction surveys in improving brand loyalty
  3. Analyzing consumer perceptions of privacy and data security in CRM practices

Word-of-Mouth and Consumer Behaviour

  1. Examining the influence of word-of-mouth communication on consumer purchase decisions
  2. Investigating the impact of online reviews and ratings on consumer perceptions and brand trust
  3. Analyzing the role of opinion leaders and social networks in shaping consumer attitudes towards products and brands

Consumer Trust in Online Reviews

  1. Examining the factors that influence consumers’ trust in online reviews and ratings
  2. Investigating the impact of review authenticity and source credibility on consumer perceptions
  3. Analyzing consumer responses to fake reviews and strategies for combating review manipulation

Ethical Consumption Behaviour

  1. Exploring consumer attitudes towards ethical and socially responsible products
  2. Investigating the impact of ethical certifications and labels on consumer purchasing decisions
  3. Analyzing the role of moral identity and ethical awareness in shaping consumer Behaviour

Brand Personality and Consumer Preferences

  1. Understanding the concept of brand personality and its impact on consumer perceptions
  2. Investigating the relationship between brand personality traits (e.g., sincerity, excitement) and consumer preferences
  3. Analyzing the effectiveness of brand personality congruence in brand positioning and marketing strategies

Impacts of Globalization on Consumer Behaviour

  1. Examining how globalization has influenced consumer preferences and Behaviours worldwide
  2. Investigating the adoption of global brands and cultural convergence in consumer markets
  3. Analyzing the challenges and opportunities for marketers in a globalized marketplace

Consumer Behaviour in the Sharing Economy

  1. Exploring consumer motivations for participating in the sharing economy (e.g., ride-sharing, home-sharing)
  2. Investigating the impact of trust and reputation systems on consumer participation and engagement
  3. Analyzing the potential effects of the sharing economy on traditional industries and consumption patterns

Online Consumer Reviews and Purchase Intentions

  1. Examining the relationship between online consumer reviews and purchase intentions
  2. Investigating the role of review characteristics (e.g., volume, valence) in influencing consumer decisions
  3. Analyzing the moderating effects of product and consumer characteristics on the relationship between online reviews and purchase Behaviour

Green Marketing and Consumer Behaviour

  1. Exploring consumer attitudes towards environmentally friendly products and sustainable practices
  2. Investigating the effectiveness of green marketing strategies in promoting eco-friendly products
  3. Analyzing consumer responses to greenwashing and strategies for building trust in green brands

Consumer Behaviour in the Sharing Economy

  1. Exploring consumer motivations for participating in the sharing economy (e.g., ride-sharing, home-sharing)
  2. Investigating the impact of trust and reputation systems on consumer participation and engagement
  3. Analyzing the potential effects of the sharing economy on traditional industries and consumption patterns

Luxury Consumption and Self-Identity

  1. Examining the role of luxury consumption in shaping consumers’ self-identity and social status
  2. Investigating the psychological motives behind luxury purchases and conspicuous consumption
  3. Analyzing the influence of social comparison and symbolic meaning on luxury brand preferences

Consumer Behaviour in Crisis Situations

  1. Exploring how consumer Behaviour is influenced by crises such as natural disasters, economic downturns, or pandemics
  2. Investigating consumer responses to crisis-related marketing strategies and communication tactics
  3. Analyzing the long-term effects of crises on consumer attitudes, values, and consumption patterns

Mobile Shopping Behaviour

  1. Investigating the rise of mobile shopping and its impact on consumer Behaviour
  2. Analyzing factors influencing mobile purchase decisions, such as ease of use and security concerns
  3. Exploring mobile shopping trends across different demographics and regions

Emotional Brand Attachment

  1. Examining the emotional bonds consumers form with brands and their impact on loyalty
  2. Investigating how brand attachment affects consumer decision-making and willingness to pay premium prices
  3. Analyzing strategies for building and nurturing emotional connections with consumers

Fear Appeals in Advertising

  1. Exploring the use of fear-based advertising and its effectiveness in influencing consumer Behaviour
  2. Investigating consumer responses to fear appeals, including attention, arousal, and persuasion
  3. Analyzing ethical considerations and potential backlash associated with fear-based marketing tactics

Subscription-Based Consumption

  1. Examining the growing popularity of subscription-based services and its impact on consumer Behaviour
  2. Investigating factors influencing subscription adoption, retention, and churn rates
  3. Analyzing consumer attitudes towards subscription models and their implications for businesses

Brand Communities and Consumer Engagement

  1. Exploring the role of brand communities in fostering consumer engagement and brand loyalty
  2. Investigating how online and offline brand communities influence consumer Behaviour and purchase decisions
  3. Analyzing strategies for building and managing brand communities to enhance consumer relationships

Impacts of Celebrity Scandals on Brand Perception

  1. Examining the effects of celebrity scandals and controversies on brand image and consumer perceptions
  2. Investigating consumer responses to brand endorsements by celebrities involved in scandals
  3. Analyzing crisis management strategies for brands facing negative publicity due to celebrity affiliations

Nostalgia Marketing

  1. Exploring the use of nostalgia in marketing campaigns and its impact on consumer Behaviour
  2. Investigating how nostalgic branding and retro products evoke emotional responses and drive sales
  3. Analyzing the effectiveness of nostalgia marketing across different generations and cultural contexts

Personalization in Marketing

  1. Examining the role of personalization in marketing strategies and its impact on consumer engagement
  2. Investigating consumer attitudes towards personalized content, recommendations, and experiences
  3. Analyzing ethical considerations and privacy concerns associated with data-driven personalization efforts

Impulse Buying in Online Retail

  1. Exploring factors influencing impulse buying Behaviour in online retail environments
  2. Investigating the role of website design, product recommendations, and promotional offers in triggering impulse purchases
  3. Analyzing consumer responses to post-purchase regret and satisfaction in online impulse buying scenarios

Consumer Behaviour in Emerging Markets

  1. Examining unique characteristics and trends in consumer Behaviour within emerging economies
  2. Investigating factors influencing purchasing decisions, brand preferences, and consumption patterns in emerging markets
  3. Analyzing opportunities and challenges for businesses entering or operating in emerging market segments

Impacts of Product Placement in Movies and TV Shows

  1. Investigating the effectiveness of product placement strategies in influencing consumer Behaviour
  2. Analyzing consumer responses to brand integration in entertainment media and its impact on brand recall and purchase intentions
  3. Exploring ethical considerations and regulatory implications of product placement practices

Cross-Generational Marketing

  1. Examining consumer Behaviour patterns and preferences across different generations (e.g., Baby Boomers, Millennials, Gen Z)
  2. Investigating generational differences in shopping habits, brand loyalty, and technology adoption
  3. Analyzing strategies for targeting and engaging diverse generational cohorts in marketing campaigns

Experiential Marketing and Consumer Engagement

  1. Exploring the role of experiential marketing in creating memorable brand experiences and fostering consumer engagement
  2. Investigating consumer responses to immersive brand activations, pop-up events, and interactive marketing campaigns
  3. Analyzing the impact of experiential marketing on brand perceptions, loyalty, and word-of-mouth recommendations

Consumer Behaviour in Health and Wellness Tourism

  1. Examining motivations, preferences, and decision-making processes of consumers seeking health and wellness tourism experiences
  2. Investigating factors influencing destination choice, accommodation selection, and activity participation in health and wellness travel
  3. Analyzing opportunities and challenges for destinations and businesses in the health and wellness tourism sector

Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) in Retail

  1. Exploring the use of VR and AR technologies in enhancing the retail shopping experience
  2. Investigating consumer perceptions of virtual try-on, product visualization, and interactive shopping features
  3. Analyzing the impact of VR and AR applications on purchase Behaviour, brand engagement, and customer satisfaction

Consumer Behaviour in Subscription-Box Services

  1. Examining motivations, preferences, and satisfaction levels of consumers subscribing to subscription-box services (e.g., meal kits, beauty boxes)
  2. Investigating factors influencing subscription-box adoption, retention, and customer lifetime value
  3. Analyzing subscription-box business models, pricing strategies, and customization options to meet consumer needs

Emotional Intelligence in Marketing

  1. Exploring the role of emotional intelligence in crafting persuasive marketing messages and campaigns
  2. Investigating how emotional intelligence influences consumer perceptions, attitudes, and purchase decisions
  3. Analyzing strategies for enhancing emotional intelligence skills among marketers to create meaningful connections with consumers

Consumer Behaviour in Influencer Marketing

  1. Examining the effectiveness of influencer marketing in shaping consumer attitudes and purchase intentions
  2. Investigating factors influencing consumer trust, credibility, and authenticity of influencer endorsements
  3. Analyzing the impact of influencer collaborations on brand visibility, engagement, and ROI

Impacts of Environmental and Social Responsibility on Brand Perception

  1. Exploring consumer attitudes towards environmentally and socially responsible brands and products
  2. Investigating the influence of corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives on brand reputation and consumer loyalty
  3. Analyzing consumer responses to greenwashing, ethical dilemmas, and transparency in corporate practices

Consumer Behaviour in the Sharing Economy

  1. Examining motivations, preferences, and trust factors influencing participation in sharing economy platforms (e.g., ridesharing, home-sharing)
  2. Investigating consumer experiences, satisfaction levels, and perceived risks associated with sharing economy services
  3. Analyzing regulatory challenges, market dynamics, and future trends in the sharing economy landscape


Consumer Behaviour is a fascinating field that offers endless opportunities for exploration and discovery. By delving into consumer Behaviour project topics like the impact of social media on purchasing decisions, the psychology of advertising, or the role of culture in consumer Behaviour, you’ll gain valuable insights into why we buy what we buy. So, roll up your sleeves, choose a project topic that piques your interest, and embark on a journey of discovery into the fascinating world of consumer Behaviour!

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